Day 77 Straight Outta Shoreditch

(Bout a week agooooooo) ya boy made a trip to the art district in Beijing also known as the ‘789 Art District.’ It was by far the edgiest place I’ve been in Beijing and so the title ‘Straight outta Shoreditch’ was born.  Also sorry not sorry all you aspiring hipsters I’ve completed the game. For every vegan brunch you’re eating somewhere in East London mans outchea in Beijing eating street food and necking VKs. I jest its all love. Even started attempting to grow a beard. #CLANG No beard pictures for now. You’ll either get a picture of me in a couple weeks with a beard looking manly as fuck or you’ll get nothing in which case I will still be a babyboy having failed to grow said beard.

Forreal though ‘789 Art district’ is live-O and probably my favourite part of Beijing. Its kinda peak still coz its halfway across Beijing and a bit of a myth to get to. So the main attraction of the district are the art galleries, which you would expect as mainly why I chose to go. I actually bare love art which comes as a surprise to nearly everyone I know. Same thing normally happened back in England when I first told people I study French and Chinese. To be fair I do a very good job at coming across as a goon who’s only loves are sinking VKs and sport so I feel you. But yeah catch me actually soaking up some culture every now and then. Most of the galleries featured contemporary art by Chinese artists which was cool coz I’ve never really come across that sorta thing before. Also all the galleries we went in were free which was ideal and I’ve heard the ones that you do have to pay for are only like 1 or 2 kuai (10/20p) #BlessUp Scultpures tend to appear throughout the district too, some of which were actually wavy. And bars and restaurants too. Basically the main selling point of the art district if nothing else is that it is bare instagrammable. I’m talking artisan coffee shops, sculptures galore, street art, modern art. It has everything you could ever want for IG. Added bonus you can tag your location to Beijing and everyone gonna be mad envious of the very very rare geo-location all up in your instagram. Catch pictures of ya boy keeping it fruity on a timeline near you very soon. PEACE

If you take nothing else from this post just know that I came to China for the social media gainz…

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